Hot melt type pavement marking after construction, some less than a week will appear cross sectional lines cracking situation, for this kind of situation we carefully analyze the reasons:1, hot melt marking paint itselfActually this reason everyone is easy to understand, that is hot melt coating low organic matter content, low price competition, the coating quality is reduced, there's no need to explain too much.2, the problem of asphalt pavementWe carefully about today, apart from the reason of the coating itself, the pavement marking of cracking caused by the road.Often construction technicians are very clear, the design of construction drawings, can refer to a lot of standards, require the construction unit according to the construction standard, the requirements of the asphalt pavement construction in more detail, but the situation is more and more low bid price, bid winner how to guarantee the construction quality and the profit space?Our hot melt coating from more than 2000 to more than 5000 tons, the price range is so big, why?Is very simple, to add resin quantity limit, cannot go further, start thinking about titanium dioxide content to limit (composite titanium dioxide), and can't go further to do, little more cheap polyethylene wax and resin, and so on.Asphalt pavement and pavement marking paint formulation adjustment is actually a truth, asphalt material has done, and supervision units relationship good owner, hybrid application.Relationship is not in place, can only use design rules.That how to guarantee profits, actually very simple, asphalt dosage to a minimum standard, also you can look at baidu, what is modified asphalt, hot warm mix asphalt additives, polyethylene wax (polyethylene wax is really a good thing), said here actually everybody has understood, why just finished painting the pavement marking will cross sectional crack.Pavement asphalt roadbed compaction degree is also one of the reasons for cracking.So how can we know whether marking craze, or formation of asphalt pavement cracking?Actually there is a very simple method, water law: see below
Contact: Jiangxi Fumei
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Tel: 0795-7126687、7126686
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Add: Science & Technology Industrial Park of Shanggao County, Jiangxi Province, China.